


“The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” —Harvey Firestone

Richard first developed a love for teaching and helping other people on the streets of Peru as a volunteer missionary. He has taught Spanish and instructed other volunteers on how to work with others. He also worked as an onsite human resource manager and recruiter and now helps with curriculum development and implementation at IFI Training.


Because Scott is a "people-person", he has dedicated his life to helping individuals be more successful employees by having the right skills to perform at the highest level. One of the most needed (and fast disappearing) skills is forming healthy relationships. Every organization can be stronger and more profitable by helping employees develop better workplace relationships. As a corporate trainer, business consultant, and mentor/coach, Scott has helped thousands of business professionals learn new skills to be more successful at work and happy in life. He and his wife, Susan, have been running IFI Training since 1998.


“When work is easier to do, everything you do outside of work gets better.” 

Susan, CEO and co-founder of IFI Training, believed she could make a difference by giving individuals the skills they need to succeed in work and in life. Relationships are key to success and happiness in everything we do. Some relationships develop almost by accident. IFI has developed 3D Relationships, a complete view of people to help us be more intentional at developing and maintaining connections. She and her husband Scott have run IFI Training since 1998.